The Chemistry Department became a part of T K M College of Engineering in the year 1958. It is one of the major supporting departments. Along with the main streams, the relevant study of engineering materials is very essential for the engineering students. All engineering branches requires basic knowledge in chemistry to solve engineering problems. Chemistry is the study of matter along with its properties, structure and characteristics. The faculty handles the classes for engineering chemistry for students of all branches. The Chemistry department supports the chemical engineering department by engaging classes up to third semester. Currently there are two permanent and two guest faculty members in the department. The department has a KTU approved research supervisor and offers PhD in chemistry. A research scholar is currently admitted to the department. The faculty of the department carry out research on synthesis and applications of nanomaterials.
The department maintains two well-equipped laboratories. Engineering chemistry lab is used by students of all branches of engineering to fulfil their BTech degree requirement. A chemistry lab for process engineering is made available for the third semester chemical engineering students. The faculty assists and guides the students of all engineering branches in preparing their project works and seminars. The faculty cooperates in all curricular and extra-curricular activities. Prof. Juhaina Ahad (former HOD) had published a text book of engineering chemistry for the first/second semester students.