Placement Procedure
- The placement process is completely automated using placement management portal.
- All final year students will register with CGPU using portal.
- On receiving requests from corporate firms and R&D organizations expressing their interest to recruit students, Online Job Notification forms are sent to them.
- These forms are filled up by the firms/organizations and submitted to CGPU.
- The filled-up Job Notification form is made available to the students and the CGPU proposes a date for the Preplacement Talks (PPT) and the placement drives.
- Eligible list of students from the portal will be generated based on the job notification received.
- Firms / organizations visit the campus on the date allotted to them and conduct the placement drive.
- The firms visiting the campus furnish the final select list of students and feedback in the portal after completion of the selection process.
- The CGPU registers the job against the selected students on receipt of the confirmation from the company.