
B.Tech. - Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)

B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) Programme of our college is affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University. The curriculum for the course is designed to provide a robust foundation in traditional Computer Science and Engineering while integrating cutting-edge concepts and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Admission Eligibility :

Candidates with a pass in the Plus – Two Examination of Kerala Higher Secondary Board or its equivalent with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optional subjects or any other examination accepted as equivalent thereto, securing a minimum of 50% marks in Mathematics and 50% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together are eligible for admission.

Admission is made by a selection committee constituted by the Government of Kerala Reservation to SC, ST, and other communities are available as per rules and regulations of the Government from time to time 15% of the seats are reserved under Management quota. Those who want to get admission under the Management quota should apply to the management and qualify the Engineering entrance examination conducted by Commissioner of Entrance Examination; Government of Kerala.

Duration of the Course : The programme is conducted in eight semesters.

Sanctioned Intake : 60