
Heat Engines Lab

In the Heat Engines Lab, the students have the opportunity to learn the working principles of both Spark Ignition (SI) and Compression Ignition (CI) engines, conduct engine performance studies in terms of load tests, heat balancing, economic speed variations and air-fuel ratio and retardation tests. Facilities are also available to plot valve timing diagram in a stationary diesel engine and to conduct Morse test in a multi cylinder petrol engine. Various study models are also available to impart practical knowledge to students about Internal Combustion Engines and their working.

The laboratory is used for both instructional and research purpose. The lab is having facilities to determine characteristics of conventional and non-conventional fuels like petrol, diesel and bio fuels. The properties which can be determined are calorific value, viscosity, flash and fire point and cloud and pour point.

Faculty in Charge
1 Dr. Agesh Markose
2 Prof. Sharos H

Staff in Charge
1 Mr. Viswaraj K.V
2 Mr. Sooraj A. Rasheed
3 Mr. Shahul Hameed S
4 Mr. Nazeer Khan A.

  • Four cylinder Fiat Petrol Engine
  • Maruthi MPFI Petrol Engine
  • Twin Cylinder Kirlosker Diesel Generator Set
  • Twin Cylinder Lister Diesel Engine
  • Single Cylinder Kirlosker Diesel Engine
  • Single Cylinder Comet Diesel Engine
  • Cooper Diesel Engine
  • Bomb Calorimeter
  • Redwood Viscometer
  • Saybolt Viscometer
  • Flash and Fire point apparatus
  • Cloud and Pour point apparatus

Sponsored / Research Projects

1. Experimental Investigation of Cashew nut oil as biofuel in Diesel Engine (1.6 Lakhs) (Completed)

Areas of Research : Bio Fuels