The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell at TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, has been operating since 2010, striving to foster awareness and understanding of intellectual property rights among students, faculty, and staff. The cell works in collaboration with the Patent Information Centre (PIC) under the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment (KSCSTE), and is supported by national initiatives such as the National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM) by the Government of India.

Objectives and Activities:

The IPR Cell aims to:

  • Educate and Sensitize stakeholders about intellectual property through seminars, workshops, and other educational programs.
  • Facilitate Patent Filing: The cell guides faculty and students in defending and filing patents for their inventions with the help of PIC-Kerala.
  • Promote Innovation: Through initiatives like IP clinics and innovation workshops, the cell encourages students to address technical challenges and develop solutions that could lead to patentable inventions.
  • Curriculum Integration: The cell assists departments in integrating IPR-related topics into engineering curricula or introducing them as bridge courses.

IPR Policy

The IPR policy of the institution is based on the policy of the Directorate of Technical Education, Kerala. This ensures alignment with state-level guidelines, fostering a standardized and structured approach to intellectual property management. IPR Policy

Key Initiatives

1. Collaborations with PIC-Kerala:

  • o Facilitates meetings between faculty and PIC representatives to identify patentable innovations.
  • o Refers eligible IPR cases for assistance and support.

2. Educational Programs:

  • o Organizes lectures, quizzes, and competitions to enhance knowledge of IPR among students.
  • o Conducts innovation workshops and IP clinics to nurture innovative ideas and products.

3. MoU with Cognogen Private Limited:

  • o TKMCE has formed an MoU with Cognogen Private Limited for IP-related services. The consultant specializes in various aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, including Patents, Copyrights, Industrial Designs, and Trademarks.
  • o If any stakeholders of TKMCE wish to avail of IP-related services, they can contact the IPR Cell at
  • The IPR Cell acts as a liaison, ensuring effective communication and coordination between stakeholders and the consultant. It also oversees the smooth transfer of payments from stakeholders to the consultant as per the terms of the MoU. MOU with Cognogen Private Limited for IP related Services

The IPR Cell envisions creating a culture of innovation and intellectual property awareness, contributing to the professional success of its stakeholders. The cell aspires to make TKM College of Engineering a leader in IP literacy by promoting the registration of student and faculty patents.

By bridging the gap between creativity and commercialization, the IPR Cell is instrumental in equipping the academic community to thrive in an innovation-driven world.

Faculty Members :
1 Dr. Anzar S.M. (ECE) - Coordinator
2 Dr. Nissan Kunju (ECE)
3 Prof. Irfan Habeeb (EEE)
4 Prof. Jini Raju (CSE)
5 Dr. Mubarak Ali (ME)
6 Prof. Romana Mariyam Rasheed (CE)
7 Prof. Al Ameen A. (CH)
8 Dr. Sambath R. D (Arch)

Training Programmes and Resources

S4 ECE Students Talk on "SDGs in Academia: Shaping a Sustainable Future"