Funded Projects for 2023 - 2024

Name of the Project/Endowment/Chair Name of the Principal Investigator Department of the Principal Investigator Month and Year of Award Duration of the Project Funds Provided (in Lakhs) Link
Development and Implementation of solar powered hybrid electric tri wheeler for differently abled people based on user requirements MUHAMMED MANSOOR O EEE June, 2023 ONE YEAR 2.285 Link
Development of Artificial Intelligence based Machinery Fault Diagnosis System using Thermal Images Dr. Aneesh G Nath CSE Feb-23 2 years 2 Link
Integration of IoT with Cloud Computing for Smart and Sustainable Campus Prof. Thushara A CSE 1 year 0.5 -
Image Dehazing Using Prior Based and Learning Based Methods Prof. Nisa AK CSE Jul-22 1 year 0.5 Link
Implementation of Methods to Improve Cerebral Blood Flow Quantification in Arterial Spin Labeling MRI to Aid Clinical Diagnosis in Human Brain Prof. Shyna A CSE Feb-23 2 years 2 Link
Novel approaches to the estimation of IVIM parameters to aid clinical diagnosis Prof. Jini Raju CSE Feb-23 2 years 2 Link
Regional hazard mapping of Western Ghats of Kerala, India accounting the temporal probability of rainfall Adarsh S CE 2024 20.21 Link
Amrut internship project Adarsh S CE 2023 2 Link
Design Development Testing and Automation of LPG PNG & CNG operated refractory burners for cooking and Industrial A Dr KE Reby Roy, Dr. Tinu P S ME Feb-23 3 years 209 -
FIST program to strengthen the research facilities in the department Project Implementation Group ME 5 years 69 -
Total 309.00 -

Dept. of Chemical Engineering

Name of faculty Project Title Funding Agency Amount (Lakhs) Duration Progress/outcome
Dr. Anu N, Prof. Manikandan PM Combined Aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) and Composite Media Filter (CMF) Bed for Dairy Effluent Treatment TEQIP-II 1.5 1 Ongoing
Dr. Femina A., Dr. Anu N Investigation over the Experimental and Mathematical Modeling of Novel Plant Based Biosorbents for the Sequestration of Hexavalent Chromium TEQIP-II 1.5 1 Ongoing

Dept. of Chemistry

Name of faculty Project Title Funding Agency Amount (Lakhs) Duration Progress/outcome
Dr. Habeeb Muhammed m A Fabrication of Noble Metal Nanocluster Based Hybrid Materials for Bio Applications TKMCE Trust 1.5 lakh 2020-2022 Ongoing

Dept. of Civil Engineering

SI.No Name of faculty Project Title Funding Agency Amount (Lakhs) Duration Progress/outcome
1 Athul M Madhu Development of Water Quality Index for the Assesment of Trophic status of an estuarine system TEQIP 1.1 2019-2020 Ongoing
2 Dr. Amal Azad Sahib Drainage of kuttanad soil using electrokinetic geosynthetics CERD 0.4 2019-2020 Ongoing
3 Dr. Ramaswamy K.P. Development of innovative alkali activated concrete for building resilient kerala post floods CERD 0.45 2019-2020 Ongoing
4 Althaf M. Computation of stress concentration factor of tubular joints for the fatigue analysis of steel structures CERD 0.46 2019-2020 Ongoing
5 Athul M Madhu Development of Trophic State Index for Freshwater and Brackish lake Ecosystem of Southern Kerala CERD 2 2019-2020 Ongoing Development of Trophic State Index for Freshwater and Brackish lake Ecosystem of Southern Kerala CERD 2 2019-2020 Ongoing CERD 2 2019-2020 Ongoing
6 Romana Mariyam Rasheed Evaluation of fatigue strength and durability of lime stabilized fibre reinforced Kuttanad soil CERD 2 2019-2020 Ongoing
7 Sai Niveditha M.G Evaluation of Interface Shear strength of Bituminous Layers CERD 2 2019-2020 Ongoing
8 Mohammed Thowsif Durability of cement-based materials exposed to ammonium salt TEQIP 1-5 2019-2020 Completed
9 Dr. Anu V. Thomas A multi scale approach to study the degradation of ALKALI-activated materials in organic acids TEQIP 1-5 2019-2020 Completed
10 Dr. Ramaswamy K. P Durability of cement-based materials in aggressive acidic environments TEQIP 1-4 2018-2019 Completed
11 Dr. Priya K. L Studies on the dynamics of suspended sediments in a deep estuary on the south west coast of India TEQIP 1-5 2018-2019 Completed
12 Dr. Vishnu R. Evaluation of Rutting Potential of Bituminous mixes using Refusal Density Approach CRED 2 2017-2020 Completed
13 Dr. Indu M.S Degradation of industrial wastewater using hybrid electrocoagulation-photocatalytic oxidation system CRED 1.97 2017-2020 Completed
14 Karthika M. G Evaluation of healing potential of bitumen CERD 0.43 2017-2018 Completed
15 Dr. Vishnu R. Evaluation of drainage characteristics of granular sub-base layers in high way pavements CERD 0.48 2017-2018 Completed
16 16 Dr. Adarsh S. An investigation into the percolation of rainwater on permeable pavements using rainfall simulator Research Seed money of TEQIP II 1.28 2015-17 Completed
17 Dr. Adarsh S., Dr. Muhammed Siddik A Developing sub daily IDF curves for urban cities in Kerala meteorological subdivision using Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition and scaling theory UG R&D Project of IE (India) 0.5 2015-17 Completed
18 Prof. Adarsh S & Prof. Muhammed Siddik A. An Investigation into the Percolation of Rain water on permeable pavements using Rain fall Simulator TEQIP 1.28 2015-16 Completed
19 Prof. Benny Joseph Utilization of ETP Solid Waste KMML 3 2014-15 Completed
20 Dr. Adarsh S. Finer scale rainfall projection for Kerala meteorological subdivision by statistical downscaling of GCM simulations CRED 3 2013-16 Completed
21 Dr. Seema K. Nayar Formulation of a process assessment model for ‘Jalanidhi’ TEQIP 1.15 2013-14 Completed
22 Prof. Amal Azad Sahib & Dr. I Bushra Electro Kinetic remediation of Kuttanad clay TEQIP 1.35 2013-14 Completed
23 Dr. M. Nazeer Investigations on the durability of ternary blended cementitious systems TEQIP 1.07 2013-14 Completed
24 Prof. Rekha Ambi Investigations on the properties of concrete in blended cementitious systems TEQIP 0.85 2013-14 Completed
25 Prof. Sajida Razaque Investigation of Interlocking Building Block masonry TEQIP 1 2013-14 Completed
26 Prof. Benny Joseph Development of Green concrete Kerala State Council for Science and Technology 8.6 2011-12 Completed
27 Dr. Anitha Joseph Three Legged Articulated Type Supporting Structure for Off- Shore Wind Energy Turbine AICTE (RPS) 10 2012-13 Completed
28 Prof. Adarsh S. Finer scale rainfall projection for Kerala Meteorological subdivision by Statistical downscaling of GCM Simulations Centre for Engineering Research and Development 1.45 2012-13 Completed
29 Dr. J. Udayakuma Groundwater recharge modeling of Kerala Meteorological subdivision under Climate Change Scenario Centre for Engineering Research and Development 2 2012-13 Completed
30 Dr. Anitha Joseph Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Breakwaters and Groynes for the Protection of Kerala coast AICTE (RPS) 8.5 2011-12 Completed
31 Dr. Reebu Zachariah Koshy Modeling & Study of the characteristics of Motorized Two- Wheeler Traffic on Urban Roads AICTE (RPS) 7.1 2011-12 Completed

Dept. of Computer Sciecnce & Engineering

Name of the Faculty Project Title Funding Agency Amount (Lakhs) Duration Progress/Outcome
Shyna A Implementation of Methods to Improve Cerebral Blood Flow Quantification in Arterial Spin Labeling MRI to Aid Clinical Diagnosis in Human Brain CERD 2 2022-2025 Ongoing
Dr. Aneesh G Nath Development of Artificial Intelligence based Machinery Fault Diagnosis System using Thermal Images CERD 2 2022-2025 Ongoing
Jini Raju Novel approaches to the estimation of IVIM parameters to aid clinical diagnosis CERD 2 2022-2025 Ongoing
Thushara A Integration of IoT with Cloud Computing for Smart and Sustainable Campus TEQIP-II 50,000 2022-2023 Completed
Nisa AK, Reena Mary George Image Dehazing Using Prior Based and Learning Based Methods TEQIP-II 50,000 2022-2023 Completed
Ananthapadmanabhan N K, Jini Raju Incremental path planning using M-MOD* TEQIP-II 145,000 2018-2019 Completed
Shyna A, Reena Mary George Real time coffee bean grading and sorting system using CNN TEQIP-II 150,000 2018-2019 Completed

Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Name of faculty Project Title Funding Agency Amount (Lakhs) Duration Progress/outcome
Dr. Anzar S M Automatic Class Room Attendance Monitoring System using Face Recognition TEQUIP II Rs 94500 2019-2020 Completed
Dr. NISSAN KUNJU "Indoor Slam UAV Localization using featureextraction using VSLAM and ROS" CERD Student Project Rs 38000 2019-2020 Completed
Prof RESHNA S "Design and Development of Indian Sign Language Recognition System for the Hearing Impaired People" APJKTU - CERD Rs 36000 2019-2020 Completed
Prof SHAFI M N TEQIP Research Seed Money for Unmanned Aquatic Vehicle for Human Detection TEQIP Rs 144500 2019-2020 Completed
Prof SHAFI M N KTU Student Project on SLAM Localized Mapping KTU Rs 38000 2019-2020 Completed KTU Rs 38000 2019-2020 Completed
Prof SHAFI M N KTU Ventilator Challenge 2020 ( COVID -19 ) KTU Rs 20000 2019-2020 Completed
DR. NISSAN KUNJU "Myoelectric control for grasping action in a prosthetic arm" CERD, RSM Rs 190000 2017-18 Completed
DR. NISSAN KUNJU "An Efficient Power Modulator for Development of a Neuromuscular Stimulator" CERD Student Project Rs 40000 2017-18 Completed
NISHANTH N Secured e-AADHAR CERD, KTU Rs 80000 2017-18 Completed
DR. NISSAN KUNJU "Home based therapy for people with Spinal cord Injury" TEQIP 2 Rs 105000 2016-17 Completed
DR. NISSAN KUNJU "Physiological, kinetic and kinematic assessment of disability and proposing therapeutic and rehabilitative aids" TEQIP 2 Rs 46000 2016-17 Completed
NISHANTH N AURA TEQIP Rs 1.01 Lakhs 2015-16 Completed
NISHANTH N Smart Wireless Network on Women Security TEQIP Rs 80000 2015-16 Completed

Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

SI.No Name of faculty Project Title Funding Agency Amount (Lakhs) Duration Progress/outcome
1 Dr. K Bijuna Kunju Self SustainableNanogrids for homes (Research seed money) CERD 1.96 2018-20 2 year Ongoing
2 Dr. K Bijuna Kunju Mission Reconnect (Socially Relevant Consultancy Project) TKMCEAlumni, PTA and KSEB 5.5 2018-19 10 days Completed
3 Dr. K Bijuna Kunju Full Spectrum Simulator for medium Head Hydro Electric Power Plant ( student project) CERD 0.5 2017-18 1 year Completed
4 Dr. Imthias Ahamed T P Autonomous car based on computer vision using Raspberry Pi (student project) CERD 0.35 2018-19 1 year Completed
5 Dr. Imthias Ahamed T P Design and testing of Learning Algorithms for Control of Micro grids (Research seed money) TEQIP II 1.65 2017-18 1 year Completed
6 Prof. Baiju R Naina Low voltage direct current supply for home (student project) CERD 0.35 2018-19 1 year Completed
7 Dr. R Sheeba Design and implementation of Solar Fed Inverter with minimum harmonics (Research seed money) TEQIP II 1.256 2017-18 1 year Completed
8 Dr. Sheeba R & Dr. Sheik Mohammed Solar Powered Grid Connected Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles Directorate of Environment and Climate Change, Kerala, India. 6.75 2019-21 Ongoing
9 Dr. Sabeena Beevi K Design and Development of an Early Detection Framework for Lung Cancer using High-speed Gigapixel Coherent Computational Microscope under TEQIP-II in collaboration with RCC Trivandrum, India (2020-21) TEQIP II 1.475 2020-21 Ongoing
10 Dr. Sabeena Beevi K Enhancement of microscope vision via Fourier ptychographic imaging 2019-20 CERD 0.5 2019-20 2 Year Completed
11 Prof. Sunitha Beevi K Mission Reconnect (Socially Relevant Consultancy Project) TKMCEAlumni, PTA and KSEB 5.5 2018-19 10 days Completed
12 Dr. Muhammed Shanir P.P Augmentation and modernization of facilities for SWTD dry dock at Alappuzha (Technical consultant) Steel Industries Kerala limited 0.25 2017-20 3 year Completed
13 Dr. Muhammed Shanir P.P. Construction of solar power fencing along forest boundaries(Technical consultant) Office of the chief conservator of forest, southern circle, Kollam. 2018-19 5 months Completed
14 Dr. Muhammed Shanir P.P Development of prototype to Induce Induction Healing in Bituminous Pavements(Research seed money) CERD 2 2017-19 2 years Completed
15 Prof. Muhammedali Shafeeque Low Voltage Direct Current Supply for home appliances using Photovoltaic(student project) CERD 0.33 2018-19 1 YEAR Completed
16 Prof. Muhammedali Shafeeque An Efficient Power Modulator for Development of a Neuro-muscular Stimulator(student project) CERD 0.45 2017-18 1 YEAR Completed

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

SI.No Name of faculty Project Title Funding Agency Amount (Lakhs) Duration Progress/outcome
1 Dr. Sadiq A Investigation into soft body impact on laminated composites. ARDB, Ministry of defense 20.61 2020-23 Ongoing
2 Dr. Mathew Skaria,
Dr. KA. Shafi
Dr. Rijo Jacob Thomas
Development of capacitance base flow meters for laminar two phase flow of liquid nitrogen BRNS - DAE 21.51 2019-21 Ongoing
3 Dr. Mubarak Ali M Direct Solar Heating aided vacuum bag curing process of glass fibre reinforced composite laminates CRED 1.63 2019-21 Ongoing
4 Dr. Mubarak Ali M
Dr. Rijo Jacob Thomas
Investigations on Cryogenic Treatment of Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites for Sustainable Automotive Industry TEQIP-II Four Funds 1 2019-20 Ongoing
5 Dr. Baiju V Experimental investigations on performance characteristics of briquettes from water hyacinth and agricultural wastes TEQIP-II Four Funds 1.5 2019-20 Ongoing
6 Dr. Anand Sekhar R
Dr. Mubarak Ali M
Development of Aluminium metal matrix composites using marble dust as a novel reinforcement TEQIP-II Four Funds 1 2019-20 Ongoing
7 Dr. Baiju V. Development of solar vapour adsorption refrigeration system for low temperature applications CRED 2 2017-20 Ongoing
8 Dr. K E Reby Roy Design and Development of energy efficient and environment Friendly LPG and kerosene cooking stoves with porous radiant burners for household and large-scale cooking applications MHRD 3 2019-20 Completed
9 Prof. Mohammed Zakkeer
Prof. Resmi SL
Numerical and Experimental investigations on rabbit bone TEQIP-II Four Funds 1.29 2019-20 Completed
10 Prof. Hashim.V
Prof. Firoz N.
Experimental investigation on the mechanical behaviour of artery stents TEQIP-II Four Funds 0.91 2018-19 Completed
11 Prof. Rizwan Rasheed Prof. Jesna Mohammed An Experimental Investigation on Childown of Helical Cryogenic Transfer lines quoted with non conducting materials under pulsating flow TEQIP-II Four Funds 1.72 2018-19 Completed
12 Dr. K E Reby Roy Effective utilization of waste plastic KSCSTE 3 2017-18 Completed
13 Dr. Sadiq A. ACuTe-Anacusis (hearing loss) curing technology KSCSTE 4.3 2017-18 Completed
14 Dr. Rijo Jacob Thomas, Dr. Mathew Skaria, and Dr. Shafi KA Design and development of Capacitance type Void Fraction measurement sensor for two phase flow of cryogenic fluids BRNS - DAE 30.79 2017-20 Completed
15 Dr. Jose S
Dr. Rijo Jacob Thomas
Study on the effect of Cryo treatment on advanced tool material TEQIP-II Four Funds 1.69 2016-17 Completed
16 Dr. Mathew Skari and Dr. Rijo Jacob Thomas Experimental setup for measurement of multilayer insulation effectiveness TEQIP-II Four Funds 1.6 2016-17 Completed
17 Dr. Ashfak. A
Dr. KE Reby Roy
Prof. Jesna Mohammed
Study on the effect of internal coating on the heat transfer and fluid quality during chilldown of cryogenic fluids TEQIP-II Four Funds 2 2016-17 Completed
18 Prof. Ahammad Vazim K.A Effect of addition of Titanium nano particles on the Mechanical Properties of Centrifugally cast Aluminum alloy TEQIP-II Four Funds 0.99 2016-17 Completed
19 Prof. Sharos H
Dr. P.N. Dileep
Studies on the performance evaluation of a self-navigating autonomous vehicle TEQIP-II Four Funds 0.67 2016-17 Completed
20 Prof. Resmi
Prof. Jessin T.A
Experimental investigation on mechanical behaviour of femur bone under various load TEQIP-II Four Funds 1.74 2016-17 Completed
21 Dr. K.A Shafi
Dr. Mathew Skaria
Dr. Rijo Jacob Thomas
Development of Emissivity Measurement Setup and Studies of Emissivity of Cryo components down to 77K BRNS - DAE 27.31 2015-19 Completed

Dept. of Physics

SI.No Name of faculty Project Title Funding Agency Amount (Lakhs) Duration Progress/outcome
1 Dr.Shemim.S.S Biodegradable insulating nanofluids Teqip II 1.27 2019-2020 Completed