
Strength of Materials Laboratory

Strength of materials laboratory is well equipped with modern testing machineries which are used to characterize the mechanical properties of construction materials and to demonstrate fundamental principles in structural mechanics. A lab course on strength of materials is offered in the second year for the students from civil engineering, mechanical engineering and mechanical production engineering. Students will be able to understand the theoretical concepts of solid mechanics course and enable them to apply it practically in this laboratory. Different types of tests are conducted in this laboratory as per IS standards to know the various mechanical properties of a material such as young’s modulus, shear modulus, hardness, toughness, deflection, fatigue strength etc.
All the equipments are properly calibrated and tested by the manufacturer in a periodic manner. The lab is effectively utilized by final year Student’s for testing of various materials like composite materials, ferrous and non ferrous alloys for project works. Researchers from our institute and various colleges / universities are also utilizing these facilities for their research works and extracting the results in various data formats.
The strength of materials laboratory also undertakes routine material testing consultancy works for various private agencies, and is an approved testing and consultancy centre for central and state government.

Laboratory Facilities and Equipment

The strength of materials laboratory is equipped with facilities for testing various structural materials. The Laboratory is fully equipped for the conduct of regular experiments at UG level and consultancy works.

LIST OF EXPERIMENTS conducted for UG Course
  • 1. Tension Test on M. S. Rod
  • 2. Torsion Test on M. S. Rod
  • 3. Bending Test on Wooden Beam
  • 4. Hardness Test
  •    i. Brinell Hardness Test
  •    ii. Rockwell Hardness Test
  • 5. Spring Tests
  •    i. Test On Close Coiled Spring
  •    ii. Test On Open Coiled Spring
  • 6. Impact Test
  •    i. Izod Test
  •    ii. Charpy Test
  • 7. Torsion Test On Wire
  • 8. Verification Of Clark’s Maxwell’s Reciprocal Theorem
  • 9. Double Shear Test On M. S. Rod
  • 10. Moment Of Inertia Of Fly Wheel
  • 11. Fatigue Test
  • 12. Bend & Rebend Test

Major equipment available in the lab
SI.No Name of equipment Make and model Specification
1 Universal Testing Machine Avery Co.Ltd 7110 DCJ 50000kg (RPM- 720,HP- 2)
2 Universal Testing Machine Fuel Instruments & Engineers Pvt. Ltd. UTE 60 600kN (RPM- 1000, HP-2)
3 Torsion Testing Machine Avery Co Ltd 6607 15000kg-cm
4 Spring Testing Machine Avery Co Ltd 6502cgm 100kg
5 Compression Testing Machine Avery Co Ltd 7111 100000kg
6 Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine Toshniwall bros(pvt)Ltd Madras 3 150kg
7 Brinell Hardness Testing Machine Avery Co Ltd 6403 3000kg
8 Impact Testing Machine Avery Co Ltd 6703 120 lbs 30kgm
9 Fatigue Testing Machine Avery Co Ltd AS 5 G2 0.75 HP MOTOR 25 kg

Consultancy work undertaken
  • 1. Tension Test
  • 2. Bend & Rebend Test
  • 3. Hardness Test
  • 4. Compression Test

Research facilities in the Laboratory (UG, PG & Ph. D)
  • 1. 60T FIE Electronic Universal Testing Machine
  • 2. Hardness Testing Machine
  •    A) Brinell Hardness Testing Machine
  •    B) Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine

Major consultant for

  • 1.BSNL
  • 13. ULCCS LTD.
  • 14. LSGD , Kerala
  • 15. CPWD
  • 16. Kerala Water Authority
  • 17. Kerala State Housing Board
  • 18. L & T , Kochi.
  • 19. BSNL
  • 20. CECONS , Kochi
  • 21. MKMS builders, Chennai
  • 22. HITES
  • 23. KSCCL
  • 24. Sun Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.
  • 25. WAPCOS
  • 26. MPI ltd.
  • 27. AMRUT
  • 28. Aluminium Industries ltd.
  • 29. Kollam Municipal Corporation
  • 30. South Indian Constructions ltd.

Contact Information

Lab in Charge : Prof. Rekha Ambi, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Contact No : 9946176262
Email Id : rekha.ambi@tkmce.ac.in
Assistant Lab in Charge : Prof. Mohammed Thowsif, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Contact No: 9995063543
Email id: mohammedthowsif@tkmce.ac.in