
Environmental Engineering Lab

Environmental Engineering Laboratory is equipped with the state-of-the-art facilities for carrying out academic, research and consultancy activities. The laboratory is well furnished with sophisticated instruments in the domain of water and wastewater analysis. In 2019, the Water Research Laboratory has been attached to the Environmental Engineering Laboratory to facilitate the research activities related to water. The major facilities of the laboratory are given below:

Environmental Engineering Lab
Facilities Make and Model Cost in Rs. Year of purchase
BOD incubator KEMI, KBOD-IOS 76535.00 2014
Water Quality Analyzer SYSTRONICS, 371 77820.00 2016
Muffle Furnace KEMI, KMF-1 17300.00 2016
UV/VIS Spectrophotometer SYSTRONICS, AU 2701 304500.00 2014
COD digester 8 Spectouant Thermoreactor Tr.320 84960.00 2018
Nephelo-turbidity meter SYSTRONICS, 132 23980.00 2016
pH meter SYSTRONICS, MK-VI 9990.00 2016
Hot Air Oven KEMI 27500.00 2009
Jar Test Apparatus KEMI, KFLO-1 20650.00 6 J2016
Double distillation unit BOROSIL-1.5 L/hr, CAT 3361 36900.00 6 2016
Ion meter LABMAN, LMION-40 49973.00 2018
Water Bath INTERGRATED,RING,12HOLE 7659.00 2009

Water Research Lab
Facilities Make and Model Cost in Rs. Year of purchase
Visible Spectrophotometer HACH, DR 1900 457840.0 2020
Colourimeter HACH, DR 144850.0 2020
Rotary Shaker KRS-1 30500.00 2016
Flame Photometer SYSTRONICS, 128 56830.00 2017
Magnetic Stirrer KMS-500, KEMI 4820.00 2016
Direct Reading Direction Finding Current Meter DRDF 9015 2 246619.0 2019
Centrifuge D LAB, DM04125 6180.00 2020
Flocculator KEMI, RF-06D 42646.00 2020
Orbital Shaking Incubator KEMI, KOSI-1 129710.00 2020
Autoclave KEMI, KAUC-A2 51170.00 2020
Water Bath KEMI, KWB220 20230.00 2020
Settling column facility Under Process
Annular Flume Under Process
Electrocoagulation Reactor Under Process
COD reactor HACH, KTO DRB 200 ,9027 156030.00 2020
Particle Image capturing system CANON SLR Camera, EOS 800D 18-55IS 58000.00 2018


Water Research Laboratory has been commissioned to cater the requirements for undertaking major research activities of water and environmental stream. The facilities have been meticulously created to carry out studies related to the research projects. The major experimental set-ups developed for undertaking research include:

  • Particle image capturing and processing system (for floc characterization and find applications in coagulation and flocculation studies in water and wastewater treatment, estuarine sediment dynamics etc.)
  • Settling column facility (for estimation of settling velocity and find applications in sedimentation tank design of water and wastewater treatment, sediment settling in natural water bodies etc.)
  • Electrocoagulation reactor (for wastewater treatment applications)
  • Photocatalytic reactor (for wastewater treatment applications)
  • Annular flume (for simulating continuous flow studies as in natural environment)

The major research projects carried out utilizing the facilities of the laboratory include:

  • Studies on the seasonal variation of heavy metal distribution in a shallow estuary (2013-16)
  • Degradation of industrial wastewater using hybrid electrocoagulation-photocatalytic oxidation system (2017-20)
  • Studies on the dynamics of suspended sediments in a deep estuary on the south-west coast of India (2018-19)
  • Development of Trophic State Index for freshwater and brackish lake ecosystem of southern Kerala (2019-21)
  • Development of Water Quality Index for the assessment of trophic status of an estuarine system (2019-20)

Some of the outcomes of the research projects can be evidenced through publications in reputed journals and conferences. The research publications during the last 3 years include:


The major areas where consultancy services are rendered utilizing the facilities of the laboratory include:

  • Assessing the suitability of water for drinking purposes (confirming to IS 10500:2012)
  • Assessing the suitability of water for construction purposes (confirming to IS 456:2000)
  • Analysis of river water quality for designated best usage (CPCB standards)
  • Analysis of irrigation water quality (USSL and CPCB classification)
  • Analysis of domestic wastewater (confirming to CPCB effluent standards)
  • Design of water and wastewater treatment system (as per CPHEEO manual)
  • Management plan for rejuvenation and conservation of water bodies (as per NRCP and NLCP of MoEF & EE, GoI)
  • Solid waste routing and management plans (as per CPHEEO manual)

Major consultancy works:

  • Preparation of Detailed Project Report for the rejuvenation and conservation of Thamarachal lake, Puliyoor for LSGD, Alappuzha
  • Preparation of Detailed Project Report for the rejuvenation of Pampa river for Water Recourses Department, GoK
  • Design of drainage system for residential apartment as part of Care Home Project, Kadakkal
  • Certifying water quality for drinking and construction purposes
  • Design of decentralized wastewater treatment system for commercial establishment (under pipeline)

  • PWD Road Section
  • Kerala Water Authority
  • Kerala State Construction Corporation
  • ULCCS Ltd.


The laboratory is being extensively used for various academic related activities of the Department of Civil Engineering. Some of the activities supported by the lab include:

  • Facilitate Environmental Engineering Lab course for 7 th semester students as per KTU curriculum
  • UG students utilize laboratory for undertaking design projects, mini projects and end semester thesis
  • PG students from near-by colleges undertake final year thesis work under the external supervision of TKM faculty by utilizing the facilities
  • Ph. D scholars in Water and Environmental stream carry out academic research

Some of the experiments undertaken as part of the curriculum include:

Determination of physical and chemical parameters – turbidity, pH, acidity, alkalinity, hardness, calcium, magnesium, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, total solids, dissolved solids, suspended solids, organic solids, inorganic solids, available chlorine, break point chlorination, optimum coagulant dose, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, nitrates, phosphates

Some statistics related to the utilization of the facilities of the laboratory for academic purposes:

Year 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2010-20 2020-21
Number of U.G project students 15 21 48 66 12
Number of P.G + Ph. D scholars 1+0 0+12 1+1 11+2

The U.G students are given wide opportunity to work in research and consultancy projects undertaken by the faculty in the water and environmental stream. Some of the major areas of research undertaken by U.G students as part of their final thesis include:
Flocculation and settling behavior of cohesive sediments
Electrocoagulation system for wastewater treatment
Photo catalytic oxidation for wastewater treatment
Eutrophication in water bodies
Heavy metal partitioning studies
Natural biopolymers for water purification
Solid waste routing
Air quality modeling
Proposal of management plans for rejuvenation of water bodies

On-going Ph.Ds:

  • 1. Flocculation and settling behavior of suspended sediments in estuaries (AICTE-NDF)
  • 2. Development of a natural biopolymer based water purification system (KTU)

Contact Information

Lab in Charge: Dr. Priya K L, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Contact No : 9364540412
Email id : priyaram@tkmce.ac.in
Assistant Lab-in-Charge:Dr. Indu M. S., Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Contact No : 9531505609
Email id : indums@tkmce.ac.in